This baby is such a happy baby. I feel so blessed that I get to be her mom. She is always happy. Even when she is upset you can usually get a smile out of her. She is so chill. Everywhere we go everyone talks about how beautiful, happy, and chill she is.

Weight: 13 lbs
Length: 25 in

Lately Em keeps flipping onto her tummy when she sleeps… and then gets upset. Oy. Getting her to sleep has also been challenging. She is beginning to not like being rocked to sleep at night, but wanting to be laid down, but then getting upset that she is laid down. We have had to let her cry it out a bit… which is hard for me to do.
Em’s new tricks and triumphs:
Em started flipping from her back to her tummy.
She also slept through the night several times :) That made for one happy momma.
Well…. it is summer…. and that means it is hot. After Em waking up drenched in sweat, we decided that it was time to stop swaddling. The first night… was awful. I think I only got a few hours of sleep. After a few nights, she slept through the night unswaddled the whole night!
She also started sucking her thumb. The way she does it is like a face palm to the face and she ends up scratching her face.
Em is beginning to be mobile. She can spin in a circle on her play mat, use her arms to grab her mat and pull herself forward, and she has done several rolls in a row moving herself off of her play mat.
Things that I love:
I am loving being home this summer with my baby girl. I haven’t been board for one minute. I think I could definitely do this year round.
I love how happy and silly she is. So many giggles! I have loved every minute of being home with my baby girl this summer.
I love watching her lay in bed. She is so cute! Since we stopped swaddling her she has started sleeping on her side, and more recently she has started sleeping on her stomach.
We recently got Em a baby bath, and I love watching her splash in it. She has such a great time kicking and laughing.
She has started giving kisses and loves getting kisses. She kisses me by putting her open mouth on my cheek… and sometimes she starts sucking. It is so cute. She giggles so much when I give her kisses, especially on her tummy. We have noticed that she is ticklish.
Things I have learned:
I love being a stay at home mom. It is awesome. I get to spend all day with baby girl. When she is napping I actually have time to clean the house and do some crafts. I have no idea how I am going to function when the school year starts again. Right now baby girl is getting ready for bed at 7, and the thought of only spending a few hours a day with her makes me so sad. I am definitely soaking up the summer while I can.